Asset Inspections

Client Western Power
Area From Perth Metro, north to Kalbarri & eat to Kalgoorlie
Duration Ongoing, currently over 5 years
Western Power
From Perth Metro, north to Kalbarri & eat to Kalgoorlie
Ongoing, currently over 5 years
Over 350,000 power pole inspections have been carried out over 10 districts within the SWIS area. Logsys is available to respond to scheduled maintenance or emergency work due to damage from fire or storms.
Scope of work
- Inspection of power poles
- Inspection of assets & equipment associated with power poles
- Quality control and suitability
- Rot
- Damage
- Condemn below standard equipment
- Contribute to schedule of replacement
- Contribute to the upgrading of WP network
- Voltage range 220V to 132kV